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Do I Need A Horse?No, that's the great thing about IHSA! All lesson horses are at the barn you'll ride at, and horses will be supplied at shows!
What Level Do I Need to Be to Show?We have divisions for all levels. In our first team meeting we will have you fill out a level placement form and it will assign you a level which you will show in.
Is Horse Tack Provided?Yes! All the horses have specific tack for them so no tack needed. You can use your own saddle pad, if the horse doesn't have a specific one they ride in.
Do I Need Lesson Riding Clothes?Yes, you will need appropriate riding attire for what you plan on riding in: English: any breeches, any shirt (must be able to be tucked in, and bras cannot be seen), helmet, tall boots or paddock boots with half chaps are accepted. Western: western jeans, western boots, any shirt (cannot be cropped, and bras cannot be seen).
Do I Need My Own Show Attire?Yes, you will need appropriate show attire for what you plan on showing in: English: a black (preferred), or navy hunt coat, a white long sleave show shirt with a collar, beige breeches with knee patches only (no full seat or grippy), black tall boots (no paddock boots with half chaps), black gloves and helmet, and belt. Western: western style show shirt- several styles are acceptable (button up, or zip-up collared, well-fitted shirt with a scarf, or a horsemanship top), western style boots, and solid colored blet, black western chaps, jeans, and hat. But many of the experienced riders have extra show attire they're willing to share!
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